Custom CD install

Jerry Geis jerry.geis at
Mon Dec 21 14:10:21 UTC 2020

Hi All,

trying to make a custom CD install.

When (original) Ubuntu 20.04 LTS live DVD starts I hit any key to see the
boot menu. When I do that the first thing I see is the Lauguage selection.

My first attempt here is to make teh custom CD and remove this menu.  So I
did the steps.
mkdir custom
mount live DVD
cp all files
umount DVD

echo en > custom/isolinux/langlist
cp my custom menu to custom/isolinux/txt.cfg

run the mkisofs....
Use virt-manager to test.

When I hit the key I still get the language menu. however good news is my
custom menu is seen after selecting english. So one part worked.

how do I successful get rid of the language menu ?

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