External touchpad for Ubuntu?

Owen Thomas owen.paul.thomas at gmail.com
Sun Dec 20 13:45:07 UTC 2020

I have a laptop computer, and, as I have explained many times before now,
it annoys me no end that I cannot disable my touchpad.

I have heard people say that I should just plug a mouse in, but I don't
want to buy myself a mouse just so I can disable my touchpad. But I do
think that I could buy myself an "external touchpad". I have my laptop on
my lap, and I think that if I plug in an external touchpad, and rest it on
the arm of my chair, this setup might just work.

I did a quick search, and found while these devices do exist, I found only
a few references where people have wanted to use an external touchpad in
Ubuntu, and nothing useful about which vendors might sell a reliable
external touchpad (one that would disable the laptop's touchpad when in use
and have the same or a similar set of gestures as the internal one) with a
recent release of Ubuntu. I hope there's something.

Thanks for letting me know,

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