Recommendation for a scanner?

Volker Wysk post at
Tue Dec 15 17:51:16 UTC 2020

Am Dienstag, den 15.12.2020, 12:23 -0500 schrieb Robert Heller:
> > > In my mind ink sucks big time...
> > In my mind too! What I wanted, was the scanner part. The ink printer was
> > only interesting as a backup, if my laser printer should fail. Or maybe for 
> > photo printing now and then.
> Cheaper to drive to Staples (or whatever).  Once an ink cart has been opened, 
> there is a "limited" time frame to use it or lose it -- the cart will dry up 
> if not used in a "timely" fashion.  If your "photo printing now and then" not 
> regular or frequent enough, you will spend more on carts than it will cost to 
> have the color prints made at a copy center or office supply place (eg 
> Staples or OfficeMax, etc,). 

Yes, it sucks. And I bet the manufacturers aren't very depressed about this
state of affairs.


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