Recommendation for a scanner?

Jared Greenwald greenwaldjared at
Mon Dec 14 14:13:56 UTC 2020

Have you looked at any of the multi-function Brother printer models?  I
have a model that's a few years old at this point MFC-J680DW but it works
really well with Linux.  I haven't ever connected it to my computer
directly via USB, but they provide drivers/scripts that allow you to
connect it over your network without much trouble.  It even works with the
default Ubuntu Document Scanner application over the network.  I imagine
most of their MFC printers are about the same.  I realize you said you were
just looking for a scanner with an ADF, but you might be better off looking
for a multi-function printer that does the same thing.

The model I have actually hooks directly into most web services (Box,
Google Drive, etc.) so you can scan something and it will be directly
uploaded.  Also, I recently had to scan something that was really long
(longer than any normal document) and I was able to use the ADF + the
Document Scanner application and it had no issue getting it done.

On Mon, Dec 14, 2020 at 7:45 AM Volker Wysk <post at> wrote:

> Am Samstag, den 12.12.2020, 16:48 +0000 schrieb David Fletcher:
> > On Sat, 2020-12-12 at 13:49 +0100, Volker Wysk wrote:
> > > Hi!
> > >
> > > I'm about to buy a new scanner, but the inquiry is hard work.
> > >
> > > It shall be a flat-bed scanner with an additional ADF. So it's both,
> > > a flab-
> > > bed and a document scanner. (Such are available!) It must/shall be
> > > able to
> > > do duplex, and it must support colors. In addition, it should have a
> > > USB
> > > connection, and (most of all) it needs to be supported by Linux. It
> > > should
> > > cost less than 400 €. And it may be second-hand.
> > >
> > > I've gone through a rather long list of devices, which are offered by
> > > a
> > > local computer shop (also is an online shop), but most aren't
> > > mentioned in
> > > SANE's devices list at all. One is mentioned, but it doesn't support
> > > duplex
> > > operation.
> >
> > Try taking a look at There's a selection of scanners, a
> > lot of mentions of SANE. My GF bought a DCP-L3550CDW laser
> > printer/scanner a couple of weeks ago, which I plugged into the spare
> > port on her router and the installer script from the Brother web site
> > appears to have worked beautifully.
> Thanks, but they are too expensive.
> Bye,
> Volker
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