"Snap" question

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Sat Dec 12 14:54:28 UTC 2020

Am Freitag, den 11.12.2020, 09:44 -0500 schrieb Robert Heller:
> OK, this will not do. I have used xv as my "standard" image viewer
> application
> and have used it to view images all over the various file systems
> mounted on
> my system. I will have to find a "real" (eg .deb) install of xv or
> else I'll
> have to find the source and build it that way. 

luckily rebuilding a snap (if you know where the snapcraft.yaml source
file is [1]) is a trivial task of a few minutes ... i made a --classic
version [2] of the snap in the store (classic snaps are running
completely without confinement, while they are hard o get into the
store (security review etc), they are easy to build):


download it, install it with:

sudo snap install --dangerous --classic xv_3.10a+dg20180618_amd64.snap

that should get you a fully functional xv ... 

note though that this is completely illegal, xv upsream denies any
distribution of modified (including self built) binaries of the app via
its license ... (which is likely also the reason it was removed from
debian (and thus from ubuntu, as it only came from there as a sync))

indeed snaps from locally installed .snap files do not get updated etc
but i doubt xv gets updated a lot anyway :)


[1] https://github.com/cmatsuoka/xv/tree/xv
[2] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TGHHpCvKGP/
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