Recommendation for a scanner?

Volker Wysk post at
Sat Dec 12 12:49:21 UTC 2020


I'm about to buy a new scanner, but the inquiry is hard work.

It shall be a flat-bed scanner with an additional ADF. So it's both, a flab-
bed and a document scanner. (Such are available!) It must/shall be able to
do duplex, and it must support colors. In addition, it should have a USB
connection, and (most of all) it needs to be supported by Linux. It should
cost less than 400 €. And it may be second-hand.

I've gone through a rather long list of devices, which are offered by a
local computer shop (also is an online shop), but most aren't mentioned in
SANE's devices list at all. One is mentioned, but it doesn't support duplex

Now, I could do it the other way, go through the list of devices supported
by SANE, but it is really long and most aren't available any longer. 

I'm wondering if this list could be shortened by a preselection. Which
manufacturers are supported particularly well? Which are Linux-friendly? Any
other hints? Perhaps someone of you has such a combined scanner at work?

Any tips would be appreciated.

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