ubuntu package management question

Peter Teuben teuben at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 14:50:12 UTC 2020

if you have it, and you wanted to  know it

         dpkg -S `which qmake`
qtchooser: /usr/bin/qmake

if you don't have it, apart from google , you can type the command, 
ubuntu often then tells you the package name.

On 12/11/20 9:44 AM, Robert Heller wrote:
> If one wants to install some program or library and knows the name of the
> program or library how does one find out what the *package name* is?  Is there
> no utility like 'yum search' (available on RedHat flavored systems)?
> Specificly, I need qmake for QT5 installed on a Ubuntu 18.04 system.  What
> package do I install?  dpkg-query is no help.  Or must I search through the
> _Package files in /var/lib/apt/lists/?  Is there no better way? Has noone
> created a utility for this?

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