SSH key question

MR ZenWiz mrzenwiz at
Thu Dec 10 19:48:37 UTC 2020

On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 10:31 AM David Fletcher <dave at> wrote:
> AIUI, you only ever run the genkey once. Doesn't matter which machine.
That's not the way I've ever used it before - I run ssh-genkey on any
machine I want to be able to remote login from, not to.  ssh server
has to run on the target machine to receive the login request,
authenticate and allow or deny the login.

> You need to be able to edit ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on a remote machine
> and add your public key to that file. In my case it's the same as
> Make sure the access privileges are tight - chmod -R 700
> ~/.ssh and you should be good to go. I find that I need to do an ssh
> into a remote machine first to get the known_hosts file updated then
> rsync and things work seamlessly.
This is what ssh-copy-id does so I don't need to do this manually.



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