16.04: How do I get my copy dialogue back?

Owen Thomas owen.paul.thomas at gmail.com
Mon Aug 31 03:26:39 UTC 2020

I think I had this problem before , but the problem resolved itself before
I wrote my question here. I knew it would happen again (Ubuntu's behaviour
in this respect would guarantee it), and, behold, it has.

A couple of days ago, I pressed an unknown combination of keys while
copying data from a folder on my computer to a USB, and my copy dialogue
disappeared. Now, whenever I copy some data, the dialogue does not display
- all I know of how far the operation has progressed is an indicator over
the left hand panel panel icon. Right-clicking the left hand panel icon and
selecting "Display copy dialogue" only seems to open a new file browse
window on my USB storage.

I want my copy dialogue back. How do I do this? Can I stop this annoying

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