Wake on LAN, machine on different subnet
Olivier.Nicole at cs.ait.ac.th
Mon Aug 24 09:35:12 UTC 2020
Colin Law <clanlaw at gmail.com> writes:
> I am trying to use WOL to wake up a machine on a different subnet of
> my local network. The subnet is accessible from the machine running
> the wakeup command. I realise that WOL uses UDP, which will not
> normally cross the subnet boundary.
Why do you assume UDP would not cross the subnet boundaries?
If the packets are properly routed from one subnet to another, there is
no reason your UDP packets don't reach destination if TCP packets do.
> However the command wakeonlan
> (installed via package etherwake) has an option -i that the docs
> suggest should do what I want. I am using
> sudo wakeonlan -i nn:nn:nn:nn:nn:nn
> where is the subnet the machine is on. If I run
> wakeonlan without the -i option from a machine on the 10.x subnet then
> it does wake so the problem seems to be that -i is not doing what I
> hoped.
> Any suggestions as to what the problem might be?
You need to clarify the picture, because my sugestion would be: "if it
works without using the option -i, don't use the option -i". But it is
obviously not the right answer, so the question is not clear enough.
It appears to be a routing problem so you need to explain what are your
subnets, how they connect to eachother (NAT?) and all that jazz.
> Colin L.
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