Merging Thunderbird spam training files

Peter Flynn peter at
Thu Aug 20 08:58:36 UTC 2020

Thunderbird keeps its spam data in training.dat, a binary file 
containing keywords and headers from all messages you have marked as 
Junk (assuming you have turned on filtering). It works well.

If like me you run Thunderbird on multiple machines, you will from time 
to time need to merge the training.dat files so that all instances are 
in sync. Mozdev provided a Java command-line tool to do this, which also 
works well.

However (you knew that was coming, didn't you? :-) Mozdev is dead, all 
its email addresses are dead-ends, and the forums are just blind 
pointers to Google Groups. The address for the tool, which was is also non-existent.

I have the tool, and I'm happy to make it available, but I wondered if 
anyone knew what was happening at Mozilla, and whether Mozdev will ever 
be recreated, or are they just dead, and will Thunderbird also die off.


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