Win10 VM QEMU/KVM clock not syncing

Little Girl littlergirl at
Sun Aug 16 15:22:03 UTC 2020

Hey there,

Colin Law wrote:
>Little Girl wrote:

>> I think it does have something to do with Ubuntu. If one of the
>> people in this thread are correct, Ubuntu uses UTC time and Windows
>> uses local time and that can cause an issue.

>Thanks for the ideas, but I think this is a different issue, and on
>further investigation perhaps it has always been there and I had not
>noticed it.   I am not rebooting but am saving the VM state and then
>restoring it.  Looking at the clock settings in Win 10 in more detail
>it appears that it resyncs the clock only every 10 hours or so, based
>on the time it currently thinks it is.  So if I save the vm and then
>restore it an hour later the clock is one hour slow and will not
>resync automatically for a number of hours.  Perhaps there is no way
>round this other than to manually resync each time I restore.

I think I've got a quick fix for you. After seeing your reply, I
poked around inside of VirtualBox and it looks like the virtual
machines are set to use UTC time by default. Since Windows uses local
time, you should be able to go into the settings of that VM in the
System tab and uncheck the box for UTC time to solve it. Here's
hoping, anyway.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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