Server 20.04 - sane is not responding - SOLVED!
David Fletcher
dave at
Thu Aug 13 17:42:59 UTC 2020
On Fri, 2020-05-22 at 18:36 +0100, David Fletcher wrote:
> Hi all,
> I recently upgraded my home server from the 32 bit board that's been
> running for the last 10 years to a 64 bit industrial mini ITX board.
> Until then I was running 14.04 with which everything was working
> perfectly including networked scanning. Uptime when I switched it off
> was 332 days. All I needed to do was put the local network address
> into
> saned.conf and it "Just Worked".
> Now, sane just won't work. I start xsane on the desktop computer, it
> puts up the message box that it's searching for scanners for a few
> seconds then gives up and says it can't find any.
> Now, I've seen a lot of vitriol spoken about systemd but this is the
> first time I've met it. Apparently it is the source of my sane
> problem
> but I have no idea how to fix it. Google searching produced some hits
> from a couple of years ago so it was a problem then and for me is a
> problem now.
> Can I please get a little advice, preferably simple, to get sane
> listening to my network again?
That took a while but I've had other things to worry about! An
obviously better Google search string led me to here:-
When I used
sudo sane-find-scanner
I got (relevant lines only)
found USB scanner (vendor=0x04b8 [EPSON], product=0x0112 [EPSON
Scanner]) at libusb:001:123
found USB scanner (vendor=0x1a86, product=0x7523 [USB2.0-Serial]) at
so the solution was
sudo joe /lib/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules
putting in the single line
ATTRS{idVendor}=="04b8", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0112", MODE="0666"
substituting my vendor and product IDs for the Canon ones on the
StackExchange solution.
To activate, simply switch the scanner off and on again.
There's a letter with some travel vouchers that I needed to scan to a
pdf file so I fired up gscan2pdf on my desktop computer, sane on the
server responded and worked perfectly as before.
Hope this helps others and works permanently.
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