fstab question

Ken D'Ambrosio ken at jots.org
Fri Aug 7 01:59:39 UTC 2020

On 2020-08-06 21:53, Phil wrote:
> On 7/8/20 11:41 am, Ken D'Ambrosio wrote:
>> What error are you getting when you try to boot Linux?
> There isn't an error message Ken. Instead the Intel Boot Agent is
> displayed which lists a couple of options. The boot SSD is NOT on the
> list. The Boot Agent isn't displayed when rebooting from Windows. This
> wasn't a problem with the original SSD and only occurred after the
> cloning operation. I have removed the Linux partition, using Gparted,
> and recreated it and then installed Kubuntu. The problem persists and
> I am at my wit's end.

Ah.  This sounds like a case of a disk that isn't in the right mode -- 
legacy vs. UEFI.  A smart bootloader won't even list a device that isn't 
bootable -- and if you were legacy in your old system, but UEFI in your 
new (or vice-versa), that could very well be the problem.  GENERALLY, 
when you boot an Ubuntu (or variant) USB on a UEFI system, you'll see 
two options for booting it: one is usually just "Ubuntu", and the other 
is something like "Ubuntu (UEFI)" or somesuch -- but there often are 
two, and they should be distinguished.  I'd try booting install media 
and seeing if there are, indeed, two.  IF THERE ARE, I'd try 
booting/installing from the second one, the UEFI one (assuming Windows 
is booting UEFI), and see if that install works for you.



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