How to create bootable USB thumb drive with iso file

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at
Wed Apr 29 16:34:38 UTC 2020

29 April 2020  at 15:24, Liam Proven wrote:
Re: How to create bootable USB thum (at least in part)

>On Wed, 29 Apr 2020 at 15:01, Grizzly via ubuntu-users
><ubuntu-users at> wrote:
>> I beg to differ, I have both (as I said) a Win7 installer USB & a Live Win7
>> USB, more correctly a bootible Win7 on USB, portablilty has been a little
>> uneven, but it does run on (at least) 7 of 9 PCs & LappyTops I use, plus an
>> Apple (newish don't remember the model)
>So you installed a fresh copy of Win7 onto a USB stick? And it boots
>and runs on multiple PCs? I'm impressed!

I'd like to take the credit, but once I found a "Good" tool and instructions it 
was easy, until then it was a nightmare, and not worth the effort

OK it still has a hicup or two on the last two boxies, I may have missed 
something (hardware wise) but since I installed many of my post install goodies 
I'm loath to start over, I could make a version that will work on just (maybe) 
the last twoo boxies, but I spend more thought on keeping them running and/or 
upgrading the Ubuntu and other *Nix flavours now 32bit support (even as an 
upgrade) has gone on many

>> AFAIK Win10 is easier to have on a USB than Win7 was/is, but as I don't have a
>> Win10.iso I cant test (not sure I would want Win10 any way)

>It's a free download:

>Works well unregistered & unactivated -- better than any previous version.

Does it force updates (i.e. take all it's time no them) or can you use it

>Win7 is end of life & out of support now.

their is support (or so I'm told) wit a tool that extends security support, but 
once you use it "all updates" must come through it, I've not looked deeply yet

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