setting up a l2tp over ipsec client

stan stanb at
Tue Apr 21 18:28:14 UTC 2020

I have been working for the last couple of days trying to get (what I
believe I need) which is an l2tp over ipsec client. I believe what I have
working at the moment is actually lt2p NOT using ipsec. As these
connections are over the public network, I am no comfortable with this.

I seem to have found many different how to's, and I probably don't
understand all I need to so let me ask a couple of questions her.

* Which protocol starts up first, and brings up the other? I was thinking
ipsec should come up first, and the l2tp tunnel should be sent through
this. Is this correct?

* These clients will connect to Mikrotik routers on the other end. It
appears that the configuration on Ubuntu/Linux for this setup has changed
over time. Can anyone point me to some documentation as to how to get this
setup on Ubuntu 18.04m that is up to date?

Thanks for any help.

"They that would give up essential liberty for temporary safety deserve
neither liberty nor safety."
						-- Benjamin Franklin

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