simple scan

Peter Flynn peter at
Fri Apr 10 10:04:12 UTC 2020

On 10/04/2020 00:54, Bob wrote:> Anyone have a recommendation for a 
scanner program that works with a wireless
> scanner?

I could never get simplescan to work with my HP MFPs (several, over the 
years) — it always wanted some package that wasn't available in the 
repos. I use XSane and it seems to be fine with HP and Brother (the only 
two I have access to).

I described the other day in the "Re: Canon Pixma" thread how to get a 
Brother MFP scanning (that was a DCP J-132W).

I always use HPLIP with HP printers because I have found that the 
drivers (PPD files) in CUPS are either not up to date or are missing 
features provided by the printer or simply have bugs. HPLIP contains 
stuff than enables scanning.

0. Do an update and upgrade so you have the latest stuff

1. go to

2. pick your distro

3. download it (filename in the form

4. in a terminal window, cd to where it downloaded

5. make it executable (chmod +x hplip-whatever)

6. run it (type ./hplip-whatever) (NOT as root, but from a user with 
sudo priv)

7. it will ask LOTS of questions, including your password; most of them 
are obvious, I can't remember them all, but I answered YES to almost all 
of them — use your judgment

8. it then installs some extra packages, and then compiles itself

9. at the end, if offers to complete the setup graphically: let it

10. it will pop up a window, find your printer, and install it.

That's it, but in the process it has installed a bunch of useful stuff 
for controlling the printer, including scanner control, I think.

Then fire up XSane and let it detect the scanner.

If you accidentally pick some wrong option, don't worry. Just restart 
from step 6, and when it eventually detects the previous installation, 
select "delete and reinstall".


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