Twin HD & Grub manu

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at
Thu Sep 12 17:21:00 UTC 2019

12 September 2019  at 15:08, Liam Proven wrote:
Re: Twin HD & Grub manu (at least in part)

>On Thu, 12 Sep 2019 at 12:10, Grizzly via ubuntu-users
><ubuntu-users at> wrote:

>> How can I get all the OS's on Grub(2) Menu?

>> I thought that during boot the OS's were scanned and added

>They should be.

>When you choose one HD or the other, and boot the machine, can you see
>the contents of the other drive(s)?

I can see both drives, If I boot Win7 the other partitions are not readable but 
are there, if I boot any Ubuntu the others are mounted (AFAIR) the Win7 
partition is on,y mounted "if" I try to access files on it

>I suggest:

>* boot from your preferred HD
>* make sure that all partitions on all drives are mounted
>* from a terminal, run ``sudo update-grub''

I have done that (after editing etc/default/grub)

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