Comparing two directories

Lee Underwood mail at
Wed Sep 4 01:06:12 UTC 2019

Thanks! This worked great!

I also installed Meld and will be trying that out as well.

Thanks for the help!

On Wed, Aug 28, 2019, Olivier <Olivier.Nicole at> wrote:

> Lee Underwood <mail at> writes:
> > I have a directory with graphics in it, i.e., Graphics/example. In order to include it in the shortcuts listing I renamed it, i.e., Graphics/Graphics-example  (or at least that is what I thought I had done.). However, I somehow created a new directory with the files copied to it. Over time, w/o noticing, I have saved files to both sub-directories. How can I compare the two directories to find any different files?  
> diff -r directory1 directory2
> It will tell you what directory exists only in one hierarchy, whay files
> are uniques, what files exist with the same name but different contents.
> Olivier
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