Muon and Kubuntu Package Management

Tommy Trussell tommy.trussell at
Thu Oct 31 19:23:00 UTC 2019

On Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 6:41 PM M.R.P. zensky via ubuntu-users <
ubuntu-users at> wrote:

> Hello I am somewhat new to linux Kubuntu. I am wanting access to FSF GNU
> software can anyone give me suggestions for how to access this software. Is
> the trisquel repo best for this?. Also their is a graphical package called
> Muon on kubuntu.It slows me to add repositories but says to enter the
> complete APT line on the repo that you want to add. What does this mean? Do
> I just type apt etc.etc. or sudo apt? Can anyone tell me what the best
> repos are for linux? Or the best software cd rooms?
>         also in ubuntu in the graphical interface I select discover and
> then at the bottom of the screen I can select sources. When I do this at
> the top of the screen it says snap than bellow that UBUNTU Default below
> that their are a number of check boxes but half are not checked. What is
> this?

Just to be clear, at some point in your message you switched from writing
"Kubuntu" to "Ubuntu." Of course "under the hood" there are lots of
similarities, but a lot about the way you interact with the different
"flavors" of Ubuntu differ depending on which one(s) you're using. This is
the ubuntu-users email list so most of the discussion here will assume
"regular" Ubuntu (whatever that is -- you often have to specify even

You might also want to join the kubuntu-users email list to be around
discussions focused more specifically on Kubuntu.

You also mentioned the trisquel repository -- If you are using Trisquel
then you're starting from yet ANOTHER different place, so you might want to
figure out where their folks hang out and be ready to ask questions there.
I just looked it up at -- it's a linux distribution
based upon Ubuntu, but that leaves out the "non-free" software. So there's
a possibility that any answer folks provide HERE may depend upon software
that's not available for Trisquel.

OK all that said, remember I have not seen the exact software screen you
are describing. ALL of this assumes you're connected to the Internet, so
there are no CD-ROMs needed.

Looking at the page Little Girl linked to about software repositories:

That page describes how software repositories work in Kubuntu. Please
realize it was written in 2015 for an older release of Kubuntu (probably
the LTS version from 2014), so the screens you see on your system will look
different. But I am sure a lot of the information is similar.

Please wait before you enter any special repositories onto your system --
if you stick with the "checkboxes" you will not likely break things. If you
start keying in special repositories, you may.

If you are not BUILDING software then you do not need to activate any of
the "source code" or "src" repositories. (It won't hurt anything if you
do.) So for getting started, feel free to ignore those.

Since the Kubuntu repositories page was written, software is now available
via "snaps," which make software easier for developers to deliver to lots
of different systems, at the expense of taking a bit more space than the
repository method. Sometimes you will find the same software in snaps AND
from repositories, which unfortunately can be a bit confusing. IN GENERAL,
the snap packages will usually be newer. You might also notice some
operational differences with the same package delivered in a snap, so if
you report a problem, the developers will often need to know the exact
version and how it has been installed on your system.

I hope that makes the checkboxes you asked about a bit more clear.
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