Trying to learn C++

Stephen stephen_o at
Thu Oct 17 23:45:03 UTC 2019

No it doesn't. I removed the lines in main() and left the brackets, and 
it compiled successfully.

I added the rest of the hello world program in and it compiled properly. 
I'm at a loss for why, but I want to thank every one who replied to help me


I have sent a request to the C++ list that was recommended.

On 2019-10-17 4:53 p.m., Colin Law wrote:
> On Thu, 17 Oct 2019 at 21:44, Stephen <stephen_o at 
> <mailto:stephen_o at>> wrote:
>     I'm trying to learn Cpp programing on Linux Mint 18.3 which is
>     based on
>     Ubuntu 16.04.
>     Every time I try to compile a source file that has #include
>     <iostream> I
>     get a message saying that it can't find iostream. I tried using
>     iostream.h and it had the same effect.
> Does it fail in the same way if you compile a file that includes just 
> one line containing
> #include <iostream>
> Colin
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