Trying to learn C++

Ian Bruntlett ian.bruntlett at
Thu Oct 17 21:11:50 UTC 2019

Hi ,

On Thu, 17 Oct 2019 at 21:44, Stephen <stephen_o at> wrote:

> I'm trying to learn Cpp programing on Linux Mint 18.3 which is based on
> Ubuntu 16.04.
> Every time I try to compile a source file that has #include <iostream> I
> get a message saying that it can't find iostream. I tried using
> iostream.h and it had the same effect.

You'll need the Standard C++ libraries installed. On my computer, the
package installed is libstdc++-7-dev
That is specific to g++ version 7. You can find out your g++'s version with
this command:-
g++ --version

For future problems, try the ACCU. The ACCU (formerly the Association of C
and C++ Users) has a very useful e-mail mailing list called accu-general
and the people on that list are friendly and know more about C++ than me.



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