Use of sfill -l ~; is it actually doing anything?

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at
Wed Oct 16 11:45:59 UTC 2019

On Wed, 16 Oct 2019 21:55:46 +1100, Owen Thomas wrote:
>I'm cleaning my disk before I find someone to repair the computer

Somebody who owns a magnetic force microscope and/or a laser thingy, a
cleanroom and is willing to spend a very long time to reconstruct data?
If reconstructing data should be possible at all, after overwriting data
just a single time or after overwriting it two or three times, it still
would require special gear and much time to do so. Nobody would do it
to get medical patient data, an adult movie collection or something
similar. I even doubt that intelligence agencies consider to
reconstruct data that was only overwritten 1, instead of 38 times.

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