Upgrade from 16.04.x to 18.04.3 broke system - was Upgrade paths from UbuntuMATE 16.04.x and 18.04.x to 19.10

Bret Busby bret.busby at gmail.com
Wed Oct 16 10:25:21 UTC 2019

On 15/10/2019, Little Girl <littlergirl at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey there,
> Bret Busby wrote:
>>I am thinking that
>>>>I tried the
>>>>Press Ctrl + Alt + F1 and log in there and run:
>>>>sudo chown -R $USER:$USER $HOME
>>>>Then press Ctrl + Alt + F7 and try to log in.
>>>>and got continuously scrolling screens of "Operation not
>>>>permitted", relating to system files, so aborted it with <CTRL><C>
>>>>then rebooted, and now, it displays the GRUB menu, I select
>>>>Ubuntu, then it briefly displays a console login prompt, then the
>>>>screen goes black, then it goes into an endless loop of black
>>>>screen _> flash -> black screen.
>>has eliminated the /home directory and corrupted the file system.
> That command changed the ownership (chown) of all files in the
> current user's ($USER) home directory ($HOME) recursively (-R) to the
> current user ($USER) and also changed the group ownership of the
> files to the current user(:$USER).
> See the chown man page for the details:
> http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man1/chown.1.html
>>After various subsequent actions, upon rebooting, I now get a console
>>login screen, and it does not progress beyond that screen.
>>When I log in, I get
>>No directory, logging in with HOME=/
>>-bash: cannot create temp file for here-document: No space left on
>>device "
>>So. I think that command has corrupted the filesystem.
> I suspect that when you ran the command above, you were root rather
> than you, so you changed ownership of your home to root. This page
> might help with that:
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47827893/no-directory-logging-in-with-home
> Your issue is bigger than ownership, though, as Oliver Grawert
> pointed out in this thread. You're out of room. Is this a virtual
> machine and/or are you able to give it more space?
>>I do not know, but I think the only thing left for me to do, now, is
>>wait until 19.10 is released (as I previously mentioned, the
>>UbuntuMATE Release Notes for 19.10, state that it has multiple fixes,
>>and is supposed to be better for nVIDIA stuff (the affected computer
>>has nVIDIA Optimus, which. I think, has thus far been dealt with by
>>nouveau) ), and do a "clean install", replacing the current
>>UbuntuMATE system with a new install of 19.04 .
> I always do clean installations rather than upgrades, so that
> sounds like a solid plan to me. You may not have to wait, however, if
> the above solution helps and if you take care of your space issue.
>>I should probably have progressively updated the system, to 19.10,
>>instead of wrecking the system by trying the fixes that I tried.
> I feel badly about that since your experiments were from pages I had
> mentioned. Hopefully you've made backups so that you can start over.
> Trying fixes can definitely be risky and should usually be thoroughly
> researched. In the crafting and/or handy worlds, we have a saying
> that goes: "Measure twice. Cut once." I think that applies nicely to
> experimentation with operating systems, too.

This seems to have worked out a bit like the Chinese parable "The old
man who lost a horse" (well worth reading and understanding).

I copied what data I could access, from the Debian (version 6 - hadn't
looked at it for years) and UbuntuMATE installations, eliminated the
Debian and Ubuntu installations, did a bit of repartitioning, to
expand the / and /swap partitions, and, installed UbuntuMATE 19.04,
with a properly now separate /home partition, and now, it works
better, including that the wifi now works with UbuntuMATE.

However, I lost (gave up on) the data associated with my primary user
account in UbuntuMATE 18.04.

"Such is life".

Bret Busby
West Australia

"So once you do know what the question actually is,
 you'll know wh (well worth reading and understandingat the answer means."
- Deep Thought,
 Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
 "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
 A Trilogy In Four Parts",
 written by Douglas Adams,
 published by Pan Books, 1992


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