Upgrade paths from UbuntuMATE 16.04.x and 18.04.x to 19.10
Bret Busby
bret.busby at gmail.com
Sat Oct 12 16:31:07 UTC 2019
On 13/10/2019, Bret Busby <bret.busby at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello.
> I am running UbuntuMATE 16.04.x on three computers with nVIDIA
> thingies, and 18.04.x on a different system.
> In having just found and read the Release Notes (as they are at this
> stage) for UbuntuMATE 19.10, as published at
> https://ubuntu-mate.org/blog/
> with the expected release date being 2019-10-17 (and, funnily enough,
> not 2019-10-19), and, with the expected advantages for people with
> nVIDIA thingies, apart from the other expected benefits of the upgrade
> to 19.10, for UbuntuMATE users, I am intending to upgrade all my
> computers to 19.10, when it is released.
> What I am wondering, is the req
This is the second attempt at composing the message - the <expletive>
thing sent itself, while I was trying to compose it.
What I am (and was) wondering, is the required upgrade path, for each
of the versions.
I am assuming (but am not sure) that I can upgrade directly from
18.04.x. to 19.10.
Do I need to upgrade each of the 16.04.x systems, to 18.04, thence to 19.10?
Or, do I need to perform intermediate upgrade steps, with each of the versions?
I assume that, once upgraded to 19.10, I will, when it becomes
released, be able to upgrade thence to 20.04, and, return to the LTS
upgrade cycle.
Clarification as to whether my assumptions and understandings, in
this, are correct, would be appreciated.
Thank you in anticipation.
Bret Busby
West Australia
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you'll know what the answer means."
- Deep Thought,
Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
A Trilogy In Four Parts",
written by Douglas Adams,
published by Pan Books, 1992
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