Lynis on Ubuntu 18 out of date

マスターズ・イアン ian at
Wed Oct 9 04:50:23 UTC 2019

Well, their PPA is basically an Ubuntu specific repo, isn't it?

The PPA is specifically mentioned on the page link I gave.


On 2019/10/08 19:03, Ken D'Ambrosio wrote:
> ... or use their PPA:
> On 2019-10-08 03:11, マスターズ・イアン wrote:
>>> File a bug report, or contact the package maintainer. Be aware though
>>> that upstream Debian is still using 2.6.2, so until Debian updates to
>>> the newest version, Ubuntu will most likely not either.
>> Matthew
>> Thanks for the reply.
>> I've just noticed (after reading this:
>> that Cisofy maintain a Debian repo, so that would appear to be the
>> best way on Ubuntu to keep the version current.
>> Ian

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