Lynis on Ubuntu 18 out of date

Matthew Crews mailinglists at
Tue Oct 8 04:52:30 UTC 2019

On 10/7/19 8:59 PM, マスターズ・イアン wrote:
> Folks
> I noticed that my Lynis utility, which I don't use that much, was
> sending me messages & I thought I'd install it via apty instead of the
> tarball version. However the version in the Ubuntu repos is v2.6.2 while
> the latest actual version is 275 released on  2018-02-13.
> Does anyone know why Ubuntu is lagging so far behind? Is Lynis deemed to
> be unnecessary? Is there something better?
> Thanks
> Ian

File a bug report, or contact the package maintainer. Be aware though
that upstream Debian is still using 2.6.2, so until Debian updates to
the newest version, Ubuntu will most likely not either.

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