(not really solved) Re: (SOLVED) Re: Gnome control center crashes

Volker Wysk post at volker-wysk.de
Wed Oct 2 18:42:44 UTC 2019

Am Mittwoch, den 02.10.2019, 18:11 +0200 schrieb Ralf Mardorf via
> On Wed, 2019-10-02 at 17:32 +0200, Volker Wysk wrote:
> > How to find out which program (which PPA) entailed the installation
> > of
> > the "newer" version?
> aptitude search '?narrow(?installed, ~Oppa)'
> https://askubuntu.com/questions/447129/how-to-list-all-the-packages-which-are-installed-from-ppas

There are listed some half dozen ways to do the job. I've tried them
all, but none lists all my packages that were installed as PPAs. In
particular, libglib2.0 isn't found.

However, I've found out where that faulty libglib2.0 package comes
from. It's from this PPA (Evolution Bionic Backport):


I don't use it any longer, and have deinstalled the evolution packages
in it, since I've changed to the Flathub version of evolution. But they
aren't all of what has been installed. 

I need to completely deinstall what's in that PPA, and downgrade
libglib2.0 to the version in Ubuntu 18.04.3. That should solve my
gnome-control-center crash issue.


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