Slow boot, how do I configure for nosity boot?

Ian Bruntlett ian.bruntlett at
Fri Nov 22 19:20:46 UTC 2019

Hi Stan,

On Fri, 22 Nov 2019 at 18:47, stan <stanb at> wrote:

> I have 18.04  on a couple of cheap laptops. This version does not work well
> with the wireless chipset, and audio on these machine, FYI 10.10 solves all
Ralf has already handled that observation :)

these issues, BUT I don not want to go to it, as it will be easier to go to
> the next LTS FROM the previous LTS.
> These machine take *forever* to boot to an X login. How can I configure to
> watch the boot sequence  , so I can diagnose this issue?

Systemd can be your friend :)
Try this command to find out where the time goes whilst booting:-
systemd-analyze blame

And if that isn't sufficient, from my notes (be very careful with this!)...
As a matter of course, I always configure systems to show boot sequence
Using sudo to launch a text editor to edit the file /etc/default/grub
It would be a good idea to backup the file.
Go to the line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="splash quiet"
Remove the words splash and quiet from that line.
Save the file
Run sudo update-grub


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