Any suggestions for library administration software please?

Little Girl littlergirl at
Mon Nov 18 14:12:38 UTC 2019

Hey there,

Mike Marchywka wrote:
>Little Girl wrote:
>> Each result displays a brief description, screenshots and/or a
>> video, lists whether it's free or commercial, lists the platforms
>> it runs on, and lists its alternatives. If you happen to find one
>> that's close, but not quite right, its alternatives will be listed
>> just beneath it, giving you one huge rabbit hole to climb into and
>> wade around in. Some of the programs aren't in the Ubuntu package
>> manager, so you'll have to search the package manager for any that
>> seem interesting.  
>Thanks, checking the first page there seem to be several biblio
>things that generate specific bib formats rather than just getting
>say bibtex. My scripts aren't yet perfect, I'm moving to c++ now
>that I understand the logic, but I can now get bibtex and hence
>flexibly bibliographies from most site that have the information
>available. The BoMTeX thing was just an idea to get more web pages
>to have "cite" buttons offering bibtex for non-traditional genres.

Good, and there are many more pages to look through on that site if
you decide to go "shopping" for something different.

>I guess what I'm looking for, and have now in simple form, is a
>document wizard that just keeps track of all things I authored.
>It creates a skeleton document and maintains bibtex for the
>document and allows it to be inserted into the document
>so anyone getting it can cite it easily ( say with exiftool to
>get bibtex or fields). This would probably require some latex
>macros to support just latex and a "db" that really could just
>be a text file ( something in /var or even /etc that lists all
>the publications in my self-library). 

This is all out of my league. I'm immersed in the writing world, but
not to the same extent that you are (I do my citations manually). I'm
glad you've got it working for now. Hopefully some of those other
resources will also be of some value. You might also bump into some
of the developers of those other programs and strike up a
conversation to get some interest in designing such a program if none
currently exists.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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