Configuring/using grub with grub-install and grub-mkconfig

Bret Busby bret.busby at
Sun Nov 17 18:31:02 UTC 2019

On 17/11/2019, Chris Green <cl at> wrote:
> I have been searching around (and asking questions) about how to add a
> separate /boot partition.  As a result I have become steadily *more*
> confused about the relationship between grub-mkconfig and grub-install.
> So, is there a good tutorial anywhere about all this?  Much of what I
> have found goes into detail about how grub2 is different from the
> original grub but doesn't really give details of how to use grub2.
> I just need to reconfigure my system to use a separate (small) boot
> partition and a large (non bootable from BIOS) main partition.
> So, currently I have:-
>     /dev/sdb1         112515  15996     90782  15% /
>     /dev/sdc1         938771 275489    615589  31% /home
> with xubuntu 19.04 booting from /boot on /dev/sdb1.
> What I want to do is add /dev/sda and install /boot on that partition.
> So I can mount /dev/sda1, no problem there.  So what do I do next?
> Do I run grub-install?  Do I run grub-mkconfig?
> I am fairly unix/linux aware (like 40 years aware!) and have done
> quite 'techy' things in my time like build custom kernels and such but
> this has got me really confused.
> I suspect what I may have to do is try this out on a spare system (I
> have a few PCs around which are redundant) and "see what happens".
> However it does seem rather poorly documented.
> --
> Chris Green
> --
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I do not know whether this will lead to what you seek, but, perhaps,
you could look at
and subscribe to that list, and, ask there?

Bret Busby
West Australia

"So once you do know what the question actually is,
 you'll know what the answer means."
- Deep Thought,
 Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
 "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
 A Trilogy In Four Parts",
 written by Douglas Adams,
 published by Pan Books, 1992


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