Suddenly... No wifi!

Ian Bruntlett ian.bruntlett at
Fri Nov 15 18:58:56 UTC 2019

Hi Thomas,

On Fri, 15 Nov 2019 at 18:29, Thomas Tanghus <thomas at> wrote:

> I was just sitting here, doing my stuff, when suddenly I had no network. I
> checked
> my other devices, and they could use the wifi just fine. The network
> widget (I'm
> using Plasma) was disabled and wifi couldn't be enabled again. Maybe I had
> hid
> some wifi kill-switch on the keyboard? It's a "new" laptop (new to me), so
> after
> finding the manual and the kill-switch (Fn-F5) I tried it out while
> tailing journalctl:
Somehow my T420 ThinkPad went into flight mode a couple of days ago. I
looked at its user guide and found it has a WiFi killswitch on the right
hand side. Fiddled around with that and WiFi started working again. Could
you have a similar, obscure , switch causing this problem?



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