
Ken D'Ambrosio ken at jots.org
Tue Nov 5 19:00:37 UTC 2019

On 2019-11-05 13:48, Grizzly via ubuntu-users wrote:
> 05 November 2019  at 19:37, Volker Wysk wrote:

> > I came across (on Ask Ubuntu)
> >
> > sudo apt update && time sudo apt upgrade

> So at the boundry between needing and not needing the password again it 
> "could"
> make a small difference, but normally it will not have that effect

I'd have to say "No."

kdambrosio at methuselah ~ $ time time

real	0m0.000s
user	0m0.000s
sys	0m0.000s

Nutshell: time, itself, uses essentially no time -- given the speed of 
computers these days, likely in the microseconds, whereas doing things 
like authentication checks and stuff (needed by sudo) can take into the 
milliseconds.  Personally, I have no idea why it was in that command in 
the first place.  It would have no real affect on functionality.  
Perhaps something was taking longer to run that expected, and they were 
doing a crude attempt at diagnosing things?  If so, strace, while vastly 
more complex, is also vastly better-suited for profiling.



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