Firefox 67.0 NOT WORKING

Udvarias Ur udvarias1 at
Mon May 27 21:20:05 UTC 2019


This was VERY helpful, as is the URL below.

On 2019-05-26 10:25 p.m., Rashkae wrote:
> You can just copy the key4.db and logins.json  files.
> Lots of really helpful information here:

I believe that I will continue to extract password info (as previously 
mentioned) just to have all that info in a separate secure location.

It seems as if the new profile is working 99.9% as well as the old one 
used to. The only thing I've noticed which is not working is the "Visit 
Homepage" button in Synaptic, which returns error boxes containing the 
following text.

Your Firefox profile cannot be loaded. It may be missing or inaccessible.

3 times in a row.

Thanks again everyone!


Here is output returned when FF is started,with the old profile, from a 

When FF was launched and then exited immediately, nothing used to 
happen. Now, for some reason the same 'Gecko_IOThread' error is coming up.

However, if loading a URL is attempted, this comes up in the terminal.

udvarias at Merry:~$ firefox


Tried loading a URL in a new tab. (One that used to work perfectly and 
still does in the new profile.)

The page requested doesn't load, and nothing's written to the terminal.

When the tab is closed, the output below is written to the terminal.


[Parent 6440, Gecko_IOThread] WARNING: pipe error (65): Connection reset 
by peer: file 
line 357
[Parent 6440, Gecko_IOThread] WARNING: pipe error (100): Connection 
reset by peer: file 
line 357


Pressing Ctrl-Shift-Delete to clear ALL history causes the following 
output to be written to the terminal.


CreateDirectoryAtPath: Permission denied
RemoveFilesRecursively: stat: Permission denied
CreateDirectoryAtPath: Permission denied
RemoveFilesRecursively: stat: Permission denied
CreateDirectoryAtPath: Permission denied
RemoveFilesRecursively: stat: Permission denied
RemoveFilesRecursively: unlink dir: Directory not empty
CreateDirectoryAtPath: Permission denied
CreateDirectoryAtPath: Permission denied
RemoveFilesRecursively: stat: Permission denied
CreateDirectoryAtPath: Permission denied
RemoveFilesRecursively: stat: Permission denied


Finally, exiting FF sent this to the terminal.


[Parent 6440, Gecko_IOThread] WARNING: pipe error (122): Connection 
reset by peer: file 
line 357
[Parent 6440, Gecko_IOThread] WARNING: pipe error (141): Connection 
reset by peer: file 
line 357
udvarias at Merry:~$


I've now done this repeatedly. The number following the word 'Parent' 
changes, as does the number following the words 'pipe error.' However, 
all the rest is identical, in particular the 'line' number.

My apologies for not sending this earlier, I was rather preoccupied with 
getting FF up and running again amongst other things. It's been a really 
hectic week.

BTW. When I removed 'Chromium' just now I found the file I'd created 
regarding the removal of 'xul-ext-ubufox.' I removed it literally the 
day before all this start, could that have caused the problem?

I've now replaced it, but the problem with the old profile persists.

Udvarias Ur

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