Krita view and/or export issue

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at
Mon May 27 12:11:19 UTC 2019

On Mon, 27 May 2019 21:12:00 +1000, Karl Auer wrote:
>If you haven't already, google "krita colours washed out when

All hints I found by web research made the issues even more worse.

By testing I found out that

[ ] (unchecked) Use system monitor profile
Screen 1: Rec2020-elle-V2-srgbtrc.icc
Rendering intent: Perceptual

comes close to the exported wallpaper JPEG. Until now it provides the
best result. The remaining difference shouldn't, but could be related
to the export. I've done a countercheck with the same image again, see, Krita's view seems to be ok now. The
remaining difference of the exported JPEG (not shown by the screenshot)
might be "normal".

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