Passing parameters to a snap package

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Sun May 26 17:54:56 UTC 2019

Am Freitag, den 24.05.2019, 15:26 +0100 schrieb Colin Law:
> I want to pass a command line parameter to an application when I run
> snap start <application>
> Google suggests that it is necessary to edit the Exec line in the
> desktop file in /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications to do this.  Is
> that correct?  It seems a bit of an issue if there is no way of doing
> this via the command line.
this is a matter of the snap packager ... snap itself hands over all
commandline options when you execute /snap/bin/<command>. 

that said ... snaps often use wrappers to adapt to the environment but
if the packager did not hand over "$@" to the actual exec call of the
command in such a wrapper then cmdline options will be ignored.

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