Experience with OnlyOffice's desktop editors?

Dr Rainer Woitok rainer.woitok at gmail.com
Fri May 24 15:17:21 UTC 2019


On Wednesday, 2019-05-22 16:10:35 +0200, you wrote:

> ...
> Try saving your spreadsheets out of Excel in another format, and
> seeing if LO will open that.

Up to now  this was  by far the  best suggestion.  Under Windows I saved
the spreadsheet  with the most  complex formulas as ".ods",  moved it to
Ubuntu  and opened it  in LibreOffice.   It seems LibreOffice  could now
correctly interpret  all formulas  (though I  did not yet  do a thorough
side-by-side comparison).  The only gotcha I noticed so far: LibreOffice
consistently displays  "###"  where there should be a "yyyy-mm-dd" date.
Is this a simple configuration item in LibreOffice?

Anyway, thanks a lot :-)


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