Upgrade problem

Bob ubuntu-qygzanxc at listemail.net
Sun May 19 04:46:27 UTC 2019

** Reply to message from Ralf Mardorf via ubuntu-users
<ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com> on Sat, 18 May 2019 08:53:18 +0200

> On Fri, 17 May 2019 22:54:06 -0700, Bob wrote:
> >I am having a problem upgrading to 19.04 from 18.10 using the GUI.
> Hi,
> what problem do you have? Without describing the issue, we can't
> recommend to run something from command line.

I click on "settings" click "details" click "check for updates" and get a
message that says "software is up to date".

Also I have not had a popup to update the system for a month or two.  In
"software & updates" I have set to check for updates every two weeks and for
every new version.

> >What commands do I need to run in a terminal to upgrade the system?
> Usually 04 releases are LTS releases, regarding
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases 19.04 seems to  be no LTS. However,
> perhaps do-release-upgrade considers it as a LTS, so it will not work
> until 19.04.1 is released. As a workaround you could use the "-d"
> option to upgrade, see
> https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/installing-upgrading.html.en#do-release-upgrade.
> Since we don't know what problem you experience when trying to upgrade
> by the GUI, I recommend that you don't use command line.

The GUI does not work, unless there is some other place to do the update.  I am
not much of a command line user which why I asked what commands I should use to
update the system.

Robert Blair

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