19.04 Live

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at yahoo.co.uk
Fri May 3 11:35:26 UTC 2019

02 May 2019  at 20:49, Mike Marchywka wrote:
Re: 19.04 Live (at least in part)


Found and testing now (with 19.04 Disco Dingo) 


it uses native mkusb to Ubuntu, it doe smake a good bootable USB and has 
persistance :->)

It add a new start (grub?) menu to choose what to boot, not tested all yet, but 
I have saved my settings and rebooted and it's all as I set it

>I'm not sure why this should be so difficult if they just keep making
>the Ubuntu images- if that much is a canned process I'm not sure
>why it is any harder to handoff to  ext3 right away. 

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