Off subject but I need help

Little Girl littlergirl at
Tue Jul 16 16:39:39 UTC 2019

Hey there,

Peter wrote:

>When I connect to the internet I get a message :
>Load cannot follow more then 20 redirections.
>  I have tried with three laptops and get the same problem , hence 
>unlikely to be a laptop problem.

Try going into the browser settings and clearing your cache and

>The signal strength is good when setting up the connection but then
>is displayed as a '?'. My browser will connect to the internet but
>once a page is selected it is not always possible to follow links.
>It claims firefox has detected the server is redirecting the request
>in a way that will never complete and problem may be caused by not
>accepting cookies.

While you're in the settings, see if you can find one for
allowing or accepting session cookies.

>Am I alone in having problems with the conversion to NBN.

You're not alone. Someone I know is wrestling with a similar issue
with a different company here in America.

>  I realise this is not the right list for these problems but if
> ubuntu is responsible for trying to get onto hotspots please tell
> me how to stop it.

Ubuntu isn't responsible for getting onto hotspots, but is definitely
capable of it.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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