Correct posting format

P. Echols p.echo926 at
Sun Jul 14 22:29:00 UTC 2019

On Sun, Jul 14, 2019 at 1:59 PM Colin Law <clanlaw at> wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Jul 2019 at 21:50, P. Echols <p.echo926 at> wrote:
> >
> > New to the list (newly returned actually).
> >
> > I want to get off on the right foot with correct posting format. I can figure out bottom posting and proper quoting in the various gmail
> phone clients. But can't find a setting to turn off HTML format for this list.
> Do you mean you can't find how to turn off html in your email client?
> If so then unless you tell us what client you are using then it is
> difficult to answer.  However I see that you have a gmail address, so
> if you are using the gmail web interface then in the window where you
> enter the email text, at the bottom next to the waste bin there are
> three vertical dots. Click that and select Plain Text mode.

Thanks Colin, Wade was correct I was referring to an android phone
client.  But I suppose I can use the web client and try and remember
each post.  When I was a member before, I connected via Thunderbird
and could set preferences per email address as to how to deliver,
including both text and bottom post.

Appreciate the input,

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