wiped disk - no longer bootable

Volker Wysk post at volker-wysk.de
Fri Jul 12 12:18:01 UTC 2019

Zitat von Liam Proven <lproven at gmail.com>:

> Secondarily: a single 4 *TB* partition? :-o

Yes. That's KISS!  :-)  No need to introduce more partitions than for  
/ and for /boot.

>> I just used the (k)ubuntu installer for LVM and encryption.
> Wow. OK. Well, I strongly suggest following the advice of people here
> and trying to keep things as simple and "vanilla" as possible when it
> comes to fancy partitioning systems, LVM, encryption, etc.

I strongly support that advice. Only when I need to stray from the  
vanilla path, for what I have in mind, I do it. How more vanilla could  
it get, than clicking a single check box for LVM/encryption. My  
SSD-as-a-cache (dm-cache) however, isn't vanilla at all ... ... ...


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