wiped disk - no longer bootable
Gene Heskett
gheskett at shentel.net
Thu Jul 11 16:49:13 UTC 2019
On Thursday 11 July 2019 12:03:06 Gary Curtin wrote:
> >On Thu, 11 Jul 2019 11:15:24 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> >>Well, me being both a retired tech, a C.E.T. and basicly a belt and
> >>suspenders type in this regard, I also will be wearing a "ground me"
> >>wrist band. Those things are cheap enough, 2 or 3 bucks, that you
> >>should always snap it on before touching what is today, nearly 100%
> >>CMOS based circuitry. I also make heavy use of one of those $14 AC
> >>sniffers. We still have in most pre-NEC built houses, and even in
> >>stuff built 20 years post-NEC 3 pin electrical plugs that aren't
> >>properly wired by incompetent carpenters. You can get those gizmo's
> >>from your nearest home center, electrical aisle.
> >>
> >>When I married this lady in '89, I moved into a house she'd bought
> >>in '81. Since there weren't any children to consider, I took the
> >> 3rd, smaller bedroom and made it into my computer den. First thing
> >> in the next storm, blowed a modem. Replaced it, blew it again. I
> >> took the sockets out, verified they were wired right and soldered
> >> them with a silver bearing solder, going all the way back to the
> >> service, found it wasn't properly grounded and fixed that. That was
> >> 18 years ago, and I haven't lost a single piece of gear since. I
> >> don't care if lightning hits my service pole and sends me a quarter
> >> million volt surge, but if everything is properly bonded so that
> >> everything bounces in unison, nothing will be hurt. I've since
> >> built a wired workshed and a garage, that needed a new 200 amp
> >> service, so this house is now a subcircuit. And I still seem to be
> >> safe.
> >
> >Old houses are an electric nightmare. I suffer from potential
> >difference between one power outlet to another. Connect a grounded
> >guitar amp to one power outlet and connect my single coil guitar with
> >grounded strings and then touch the grounded metal case of my mixing
> >console connected to another power outlet, while at the same time you
> >touch the strings and have fun.
> >
> >Not to mention that when I worked for Brauner Microphones we had just
> >one isolating transformer, most of the gear was directly connected to
> >the power outlets and the RCCB was dimensioned for heavy agricultural
> >gear, since the manufactory was a farm in the first place.
> >
> >Nowadays at home, I don't own a transformer for galvanic isolation at
> >all, but at least the RCCB has got a sane value.
> I thought this list was for "Ubuntu user technical support, not for
> general discussions".
> Maybe soldering and galvanic isolation are linked to my favourite OS,
> but I just can't see it. What am I missing?
> Gary
The shareing of knowledge that needs to be shared. I can't think of a
more widely distributed way to reach those who need to be advised than
the mailing list when someone else mentions a problem that has
potentially lethal aspects.
Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
- Louis D. Brandeis
Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>
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