Filesystem corruption

Little Girl littlergirl at
Mon Jul 8 18:31:42 UTC 2019

Hey there,

Volker Wysk wrote:

>I've brought my machine to the computer shop. They checked
>everything, especially the PSU and the main board. All the
>capacitors are okay. They couldn't find anything.

That's really good news and must be reassuring to hear.

>Now I still don't know the reason of the data corruption, which  
>wrecked my Kubuntu system. I've installed a new Ubuntu-19.04, and  
>found no corruption so far. The problem can't be reproduced. This  
>includes my dm-cache, which I've set up anew.
>I'm worrying that the problem might hiddenly continue, and I don't  
>notice in time.  :-(  Good thing that I have multiple backups.

I'd say that hard shut-downs are probably to blame. Somewhere in this
thread you had mentioned that you've done that at times. Not shutting
down a computer properly can corrupt a file system.

I don't know what the reason is for the non-standard shut-downs
you've done, but if those are done when all else fails, you might
want to consider adding the Alt+SysRq key combination to your

See also:

I've used Alt+SysRq+R+E+I+S+U+B to reboot or Alt+SysRq+R+E+I+S+U+O to
shut down on the very rare occasions when my system wouldn't

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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