How do I move home out of OS partition into a partition of its own

Ken D'Ambrosio ken at
Thu Jan 24 21:49:46 UTC 2019

On 2019-01-24 16:46, Wynona Stacy Lockwood wrote:

> " What is the procedure for me to now move the home directories on each
> system, into partitions of their own? " 
> Well, once you add disk, it's reasonably straightforward.

Addendum: if following the instructions below, suggest that you be
logged in as root, and not simply sudo'd.  Your session could become
*very* confused if files are moved out from under it, or mounted on top,

> 1: mount new formatted partition that will be home somewhere you can get to it, like say under /mnt somewhere. 
> 2. Move everything from /home/ into that partition. 
> 3. Add a line to /etc/fstab specifying  that you want that partition mounted at /home/ at boot time. 
> 4. run 'mount -a' to double check that it works. 
> 5. Optionally, reboot to make sure.
> -- 
> Wynona Stacy Lockwood
> stacy at
> (847) 579-9753
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