Motion problems

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at
Mon Jan 14 13:34:17 UTC 2019

14 January 2019  at 23:34, Karl Auer wrote:
Re: Motion problems (at least in part)

>On Mon, 2019-01-14 at 12:02 +0000, Grizzly via ubuntu-users wrote:
>> I installed Motion on Bionic, configered it for streaming and tested
>> with browser via localhost with no problem, screen showed output from
>> integral webcam

>Good initial steps.

I thought so

>> Next step was check over my local network, but this failed, added a
>> service & firewall rule to my router (aka port forwarding on other
>> routers) still no joy

>> Any pointers to what I may have missed or got wrong?

>At this point we need a map of how the bits are connected up. You say
>you "checked over your local network" - from what? To what? How?
>My current mental inage of what you have is a built-in camera on a PC,
>with Motion installed on that PC, and you are able to stream cam data
>from local host and view it in a browser on the same PC.

Correct so far

>Then you went to a different PC, ran a browser and tried to view the
>cam data in it. That didn;t work.

>From the sound of it, the second PC is somewhere else completely, i.e.
>not on the same network as the PC running Motion, and possibly not even
>on the same premises, as it is seems you are going through a NAT

No, on the same local network (in fact on the same table beside the first PC)

Remote was (would be) the next (baby) step

>This is where it gets fuzzy. To find out why it doesn't work (assuming
>the above mud-map is correct) we would need to know how, networkily
>speaking, the second PC is connected to the first.

Both on same router, Bionic on lappy with Wifi, Windows on Desktop hard wired

>> I had used Yawcam (Win) to achive the same ends, but as that is
>> dependant on Java...

>That is interesting. Were you using the same PCs, connected the same
>ways? If so, it could well be a firewall problem.

Yes, same PC's other way around (Cam <> Viewer wise)

>Another possibility is that the streamer is listening for connections
>only on the loopback interface (lo). It's common for servers to bind by
>default only to the loopback interface for security reasons. You may
>need to configure it explicitly to run on the ethernet or wifi
>interface of the hosting computer. Check the docs and the config file
>for keywords like "bind", "socket" and "listen".

>If you know the port that the streamer uses, you can grep for it in the
>output from "netstat -an".

8080 & 8081

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