lost root access

Matthew Crews mailinglists at mattcrews.com
Sun Jan 6 20:57:31 UTC 2019

On 1/6/19 1:35 PM, Jack McGee wrote:
> I had a user on a 18.04 machine that had root access, using sudo, but it
> lost it.  This just between reboots.
> How I get root access back?

First, I would double check that you are logged into a user that is
supposed to have root access. Silly, I know, but extra sanity checks
never hurt.

Assuming that is correct, I would fire up an Ubuntu Live disk, and
modify your /etc/sudoers file to include something like this:

# User privilege specification
mythuser    ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

Then reboot the box as normal, and it should work.

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