Re: How to make results of “localedef” survive “dpkg-reconfigure locales”?

Tom H tomh0665 at
Tue Feb 26 14:19:32 UTC 2019

On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 9:53 AM Thorsten Schöning <tschoening at> wrote:
> am Dienstag, 26. Februar 2019 um 08:28 schrieben Sie:
>> BUT Postgres simply still doesn't work, that only works if I use
>> "localedef" to create the new locale as an individual archive. And
>> that's why it's problematic if that directory gets deleted without
>> properly recreation.
>> Might this be some Postgres-specific handling of locales for some
>> reason? I'm gonna to ask them if they behave specially.
> I finally found the reason: I simply never restarted Postgres. :-/

Good :)

> When the directories created for my new locale using "localedef" are
> deleted or added, Postgres seems to recognize that instantly whenever
> created a connection to some database using that locale. While without
> individual directories and the new locale added to the archive only,
> which is the default of "dpkg-reconfigure locales", it seems Postgres
> simply needs to be restarted once. Afterwards it works as expected.
> Without the restart, it doesn't recognize the new contents of the
> archive, I guess because it's only opened once per process creation.

Interesting difference. I suppose that postgres cannot parse the archive format.

> Thanks for your help, "Tom H"!

You're welcome!

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