Questions about Ubuntu 18.04 live/install ISO

Robert Heller heller at
Mon Feb 18 16:45:47 UTC 2019

At Mon, 18 Feb 2019 17:00:30 +0100 "Ubuntu user technical support,  not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at> wrote:

> On Mon, 18 Feb 2019 at 16:42, Robert Heller <heller at> wrote:
> > CentOS 6 *normally* runs GNOME 2.
> So have you looked at MATE?
> MATE (or Maté -- it's named after the tea, not the word "mate") is the
> fork and continuation of GNOME 2. It works very well. If you liked
> GNOME 2, you will like MATE.

I don't partitularly like GNOME 2.

(I *never* liked GNOME 1 either.)

I should explain:  I "learned" UNIX-ish desktop on a VAXStation-2000 running 
VMS w/ DECWindows (DECWindows == Digital Equipment Corp.'s branding of X11 w/ 
Motif, including the Motif Window Manager -- mwm).  This "desktop" predated 
the whole pointy-clicky file manager nonsense and way predated the infamous 
"Start Menu" crapola out of Redmond, WA and predated [Clasic] MacOS.  I liked 
that environment.  My current desktop, looks pretty close to this original 
desktop (well it is in color -- VAXStation-2000s were B&W).

I *never* owned a Mess-Windows system. I never owned a Mac that I used for
anything other then a "build box" (I currently have an old MacMini that is
headless). I went from VAX/VMS on glass ttys (VT52, VT100, VT220, H19) to a
VAXStation-2000 to a VAXStation-3000 to DECStations (MIPS processors running
Ultrix [a BSD variant]), SparcStations, SGIs, Alphas to "PCs" running Linux. A
more-or-less "seamless" UNIX-ish experience, pretty much exclusively a command
shell workflow environment. Along the way: TeX and LaTeX (never a word
processor), SOS, TECO, Emacs, MicroEmacs (all keyboard-based editors in
terminal windows, none with "pointy-clicky GUIs"), and things like Makefiles,
auto tools, etc. (pure CLI tools).

> Any customisations that can be done to GNOME 2 can be done to MATE.

Robert Heller             -- 978-544-6933
Deepwoods Software        -- Custom Software Services  -- Linux Administration Services
heller at       -- Webhosting Services

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