tutorial for Ubuntu/Samba 4/AD and Windows 10 client: roaming profiles

J.Witvliet at mindef.nl J.Witvliet at mindef.nl
Mon Dec 30 14:46:49 UTC 2019

As you have W10 clients, why nfs, I would assume SMB?

Excuses for auto-typo’s

> On 30 Dec 2019, at 15:41, Jacques Beigbeder <Jacques.Beigbeder at ens.fr> wrote:
> Hello Ubuntu experts,
> I want to set up:
> 1/ one Ubuntu 18.04 with Samba 4 as Active Directory server:
>   I got it, I created users.
> 2/ then set roaming profiles *ON* my AD server for Windows 10 boxes;
> 3/ and then set access to existing HOME directory on my AD server. Files will
>   be accessed through NFS from the AD server.
> Is there a tutorial to do this?
> Is it a very bad idea to have AD server and file server on the same host?
> Thanks,
> --
> Jacques Beigbeder                    |  Jacques.Beigbeder at ens.fr
> Service de Prestations Informatiques |     http://www.spi.ens.fr
> Ecole normale supérieure             |
> 45 rue d'Ulm                         |Tel : (+33 1)1 44 32 37 96
> F75230 Paris cedex 05                |Fax : (+33 1)1 44 32 20 75
> --
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